Intellectual Rights

Please refer to The Copyright Modernization Act

Unless otherwise Indicated in writing, copyright of the works supplied to you remain the property of Calira Media Inc. Your license to the supplied materials includes usage in any way related to your marketing of the subject property, and marketing usage for your business. Your license DOES NOT include the rights to transfer the materials to others. This includes, but is not limited to: 1) transfer to another individual realtor for their marketing of the property 2) transfer to a buyer for their marketing of the property 3) any other usage that may have a commercial connection (ie used for marketing or sales)

Canadian photographers, by default are the first owners of the copyright of the images they produce. This applies to both photographs commissioned and paid by a client, and to photographs taken for non-commercial purposes.

Therefore, photographers no longer have to sign an agreement with their client stating that they are the first owner of the copyright; The Copyright Act guarantees ownership by default.